05/Oct/2024 - 16 - WDSF OPEN Standard SEN.IV

Organizer: Lithuanian Dancesport Federation
Master of Ceremony:
Chairperson: Chiapperini, Giovanni  Lesotho 
Scrutineer(s): Gudaitis, Mantas  Lithuania 
Makarovas, Sergejus  Lithuania 
A: Krticka, Jaroslav  Czechia 
B: Balun, Miroslav  Slovak Republic 
C: Koncevskis, Mario  Latvia 
E: Pfluger, Peter  Austria 
G: Korotin, Eduard  Estonia 
H: Dobre, Cornelia  Romania 
J: Kavzinadze, Nino  Georgia 
K: Vieira, Andre  Portugal 
L: Di Veronica, Alessio  Italy 
M: Myshko, Oleksandra  Ukraine 
R: Untulis, Zanas  Lithuania 

Result of the Final
Rank No. Couple Country
1. 45 Valter Miccoli / Marinella Giammarino Italy
2. 41 David Getchell / Allison Gonzalez United States
3. 49 Henrik Strom / Gitte Fransoe Strom Denmark
4. 48 Ernst Schmid / Margit Schmid-weihs Austria
5. 44 Taivo Lillo / Marina Lillo Estonia
6. 46 Thomas Owesny / Hanna Owesny Germany

  1st round 2nd round Final
No. of couples danced 13 10 6
No. of couples set - - -

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