Dalinamės informacija, gauta iš Pasaulio sportinių šokių federacijos (WDSF) Akademijos. Šiais metais teisėjams planuojami surengti bent keli kongresai: balandžio 4 d., rugpjūčio 6 – 7 d. (data dar gali būti keičiama), lapkričio 20 d. Tačiau tik vienintelis kongresas – balandžio 4 d. – vyks nuotoliniu būdu; kiti kongresai vyks gyvai.
Prašome susipažinti su išsamia WDSF Akademijos informacija bei REGISTRUOTIS Į ARTIMIAUSIĄ KONGRESĄ. Registracija naujiems vertintojams vyksta iki kovo 25 d., o jau turintiems licencijas – iki balandžio 1 d.
Dear Members and WDSF Adjudicators,
In consideration of the difficulties with the limited number of events and the high cost for travel during this post-Pandemic recovery period, the WDSF Academy will offer an Online Congress for adjudicators who need to renew their licenses but were unable to attend the Congress in Jan 2023 in Spain and before.
This coming Online congress will be held on 4 April 2023. I confirm that this Congress will be the only Online Congress for the 2023 year. Please note that other In-person Congresses, such as the one in Stuttgart will continue to be conducted.
It is the intention of the Academy to resume only in-person congresses in different parts of the World as soon as possible, but hopefully by 2024. As you would understand, the online Congresses lack the benefit of interaction between lecturers and other participants. In-person Congresses can also be an important part of a successful DanceSport events and festivals.
This coming Online congress will provide licensed adjudicators with a license renewal for 1 year. It is not our intention to disrupt the in-person Congresses that have already being scheduled this year. New applicants can also attend this congress, however there will be no examination online.
The time schedule for this coming Online congress is as follows:
01:30pm(CET) – Sports Updates
02:30pm(CET) – Break
02:45pm(CET) – Lecture, Judging Standard Dance
04:00pm(CET) – Break
04:15pm(CET) – Lecture, Judging Latin Dance
05:30pm(CET) – End of congress
(lecture topic/lecturer will be sent to all participants upon registration for this congress)
With the new updating scheme of Adjudicator’s education status, our Adjudicator’s will no longer lose their 24 months validity period should he/she attend a congress before the expiry of the educational requirement. With the update, the new expiry date will account for the balance of months before the original expiry date, up to a maximum of six months, in addition to the 24 months validity. For example, if the education license expires on 30 June 2022, an Adjudicator attends a congress on 1 Jan 2023, the new expiry date will be 30 June 2025 for In-person Congress and 30 June 2024 for an Online Congress. The new qualification period for the education allows Adjudicators to have more flexibility to attend a congress further in advance of the expiry date.
The existing allowance of 14 days of license validity after the expiry date still applies. For example, if the educational license expires on 30 June 2023, the Adjudicator may still adjudicate until 14 July 2023.
The deadlines for:
- Registration of new applicants for the WDSF Adjudicator License: 25 March, 23:59 GMT
- Registration and payment for the Congress: 1 April, 23:59 GMT
Upcoming Congresses
– WDSF AJS JS 3.0 Absolute Judgement Course on 6 & 7 August (To be confirmed) at Stuttgart, Germany
– WDSF Adjudicators Congress on 20 November at Riga, Latvia
WDSF Academy