WDSF akademijos kongresai teisėjams ir vyr. teisėjams

Primename, kad Štutgarte, Vokietijoje vyks teisėjų ir vyr. teisėjų kongresas. Kviečiame dalyvauti bei dalinamės išsamia informacija.

Please be informed that the timetable for the following congresses (closing date: 3 Aug 2022) at hotel Maritim, Stuttgart, Germany, is as follows:

CONGRESS 1 – Sunday 7th Aug, Monday 8th Aug 2022 – WDSF AJS JS 3.0 Absolute Judgement Course

New Applicants and Licensed Holders who need to attend an AJS course to obtain JS 3.0 AJS qualification must attend both days on 7th Aug and 8th Aug 2022 (full day).


11:15 am – Registration
12:00 pm – Evolution of WDSF Judging System/Introduction to Absolute Judgement -­ Lecturer: Nenad Jeftic 
01:00 pm – Break
01:10 pm – Assessment of Qualities of Technical Qualities of Standard Dance – Lecturer: Markus Weiss
02:25 pm – Break
02:35 pm – Assessment of Qualities of Music and Movement of Latin Dance – Lecturer: Roberto Albanese
03:50 pm – Break
04:05 pm – Assessment of Qualities of Partnering Skill – Lecturer: Domenico Soale
05:20 pm – Break
05:35 pm – Assessment of Qualities of Choreography and Presentation – Lecturer: Karina Rubio
06:50 pm – End of Congress


New Applicants for WDSF License who need to take the exams.

09:00 am – AJS Exam (Theory & Practical)
10:30 am – GK Test
11:15 am – English Comprehension Test
11:30 am – Break
12:00 pm – Opening Introduction – Keeping the Character, Breaking the Boundary
12:10 pm – Conduct and Responsibilities of Adjudicators – Lecturer: Nenad Jeftic (WDSF VP For Sports)
01:10 pm – Break
01:20 pm – Essential Qualities of Tango – Lecturer: Alessia Betti
02:35 pm – Break
02:50 pm – Essential Qualities of Slow Foxtrot – Lecturer: Andrew Sinkinson
04:05 pm – Break
04:20 pm – Evaluation of Music and Movement – Lecturers: Holger Nitsche and Jurgen Neudeck
05:35 pm – End of Congress

Course Fee for 2 days – CHF 250, to sign up online by 3 Aug 202223:59 GMT
Payment must be made online, no registration or entry is allowed on the day of the course and no late registration will be accepted.

CONGRESS 2 – Monday 8th Aug 2022 – Standard and Latin Open Combined Congress – Keeping the Character, Breaking the Boundary

Participants: Day 2 of the WDSF AJS Congress/ Open to all new license applicants and Licensed Adjudicators.

Time Table for Adjudicators attending a normal congress for new applicants and existing license holders:

10:00 am – Registration for Normal Adjudicator’s Congress with GKT
10:30 am – GK Test
11:15 am – English Comprehension Test
11:30 am – Break/Registration for Normal Adjudicator’s Congress without GKT
12:00 pm – Opening Introduction – Keeping the Character, Breaking the Boundary
12:10 pm – Conduct and Responsibilities of Adjudicators – Lecturer: Nenad Jeftic (WDSF VP For Sports)
01:10 pm – Break
01:20 pm – Essential Qualities of Tango – Lecturer: Alessia Betti
02:35 pm – Break
02:50 pm – Essential Qualities of Slow Foxtrot – Lecturer: Andrew Sinkinson
04:05 pm – Break
04:20 pm – Evaluation of Music and Movement – Lecturers: Holger Nitsche and Jurgen Neudeck
05:35 pm – End of Congress

Adjudicators who need to take a GKT must be present from 10:30 am. Adjudicators who do not need to take a GKT may attend from 11:50 am.

Course Fee Adjudicators/new applicant/Coaches/observers attending this as a normal congress – CHF 100, to sign up online by 3 Aug 202223:59 GMT. Payment must be made online, no registration or entry is allowed on the day of the course and no late registration will be accepted.