WDSF teisėjų kongresas Niujorke (JAV) sausio 16 d.

WDSF skelbia standartinių ir Lotynų Amerikos šokių kongresą teisėjams, kuris vyks kitų metų sausio 16 d. Niujorke, Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose.

Dear Members,

The WDSF Academy will be organising the following congress:

Title: WDSF Standard and Latin Adjudicators’ Congress

Mode of Congress: In Person only

Date: 16 January 2025

Address of Congress: 2011 East 27 street Brooklyn NY 11229 (New York City, United States)

Provisional Time Table:

Congress Start: 09.00 am Congress End: 06:00 pm

ECT: yes

GKT: yes

Objective: To provide regular training for WDSF Licensed Standard and Latin Adjudicators

Prerequisite: New applicants to refer to WDSF Competition rules


  1. All WDSF A, B and C Licensed Adjudicators for Standard and Latin Dance
  2. Approved WDSF Adjudicators B and C license applicants
  3. Observers

Course Fee: One day course – CHF100.00

Nearest Airport: Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR)

Contact Person: Renata Shvarts
Email: education-dir@usadance.org

Additional Info:

1. Adjudicators are encouraged to participate in this congress which will also qualify for a 2 years extended validity of the Adjudicator’s license. 2

2. Only candidates for the WDSF Adjudicator’s license who have completed the entire online WDSF Adjudicator application before the closing date are permitted to register to this congress. 

3. For observers at a WDSF congress, the registration can only be done by the WDSF NMB. The NMB can pay for the observer online or delegate the payment to the observer.

Closing Dates:

  • New Candidates’ applications (to be submitted by National Federation) no later than 2 Jan 2025, 23:59 GMT
  • Congress registration and payment shall close on 12 Jan 2025 23:59 GMT
  • All payment must be made online, no registration or entry is allowed on the day of the course and no late registration will be accepted

We have separated the registration for exams from the congress:
For those that wish to attend the congress kindly register here.
For those that wish to take a test or retest kindly register here .

Please note that the WDSF Academy will not run any online congress as we need to return to our usual education system.

Registration method: Participants can register here. To register, the participant needs to know their user name and password. In the event that they have forgotten any of them, they can recover or reset them here.
As National Administrator you can register your officials here.